Free DWG Viewer online

View DWG and DXF files for free without the AutoCAD software.

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More than a dwg viewer, also a quick dwg editor, easy to view, measure, markup, modify and print dwg files.

Free Download 37.47 MB
hot product

Perfectly compatible with AutoCAD, enhanced 2D CAD functions, faster and stable, affordable price for life time using.

Free Download 40.43 MB

How to view dwg/dxf files online?

Normally opening .dwg or .dxf file requires AutoCAD or similar software, if you do not have such program installed in your computer, just simply upload the DWG file here by drag and drop, it automatically converts and displays your drawing in few seconds.

Faster DWG Viewer

The simple interface makes it very easy for anyone to view DWG or DXF files. If you have a normal Internet network, you can get results in seconds. Got a file you can't view online? Just email us and we'll take a look for you.

SDK for developers

You could embed SDK to your own software to add the features of viewing and converting DWG, DXF and DWF files, and you also could distribute the developed software to any other users. This SDK is a completely standalone utility, don't require any products from AutoDesk. Download SDK

Supporting all operating systems

This is a web application served through a web browser. AutoDWG supports all types of browsers, including IE, Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Opera. AutoDWG works for any operating system you use - Windows, Linux or iOS.